Should I accept the first job offer?

By Rick Christensen, Director, Career transition Practice at Career Development Partners

I am often asked if a person should accept a job offer or wait until something better comes along.

It depends. It is obviously very stressful to be unemployed because the bills are still coming in even when the paycheck stops.

That’s why financial planners recommend keeping 3 to 6 months of salary in liquid emergency savings. That buys you time, so you aren’t forced to rush into something just to get a paycheck.

If you find yourself in a layoff situation, the first thing you should do is to try and negotiate a severance package. A severance package gives you some time with income to search for a new position. In addition to the salary continuation piece of severance you should also ask for Outplacement also known as Career Transition assistance.

Career Transition assistance aids you in developing your story that will give the next employer a sense of your true worth.  You develop your reason for leaving, career packaging in the form of resumes, correspondence, and personal presentation skills.

Regardless of your situation, you want to be sure you are selective in choosing a strong company with a culture and a position in which you will thrive.

If you rush into a job just to get a paycheck, you may find yourself in a position or company culture that does not match with your skills, values and temperament. You will likely end up unemployed again due to the mismatch.

Take the time now to find the right company and the right position that will offer you growth and stability in the long run.

After all,

This is your career – take control of it!

This is your future – take control of it!

This is your life – take control of it!

Contact Travis Jones for more information about Outplacement today: 918-293-0500.


Travis Jones - CEO of Career Development Partners

Written By Rick Christensen

Rick has been a career consultant for over 20 years, serving a very broad-based and diverse clientele. His specialties include effective group facilitation, one-on-one coaching and consultation at all levels including senior executives.

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