Success Leaves Clues

The common threads of Successful people and the clues they leave.

Written by Travis Jones, CEO of Career Development PartnersSuccess Leaves Clues by Travis Jones

  1. Continual Learning – They continue to be curious. Curiosity leads to learning. Learning leads to application.
  2. Environment – They seek to be in a culture of learning and growing by going to informative meetings, reading good material and videos which lead to success.
  3. Awareness – They look at their own life and asking what area do I need to work on today?
  4. Pain – Your greatest gain can come through your greatest pain. As an example, think about the founder of MADD (mothers against drunk drivers).    Gain may come through a broken relationship, a financial loss, bad health or a great disappointment, all painful but great sources personal gain.
  5. Modeling or mentoring –Models and mentors possess wisdom and love to invest in others to help them be successful. A good mentor understands how to teach and coach others for success.
    • C – Cares for others.
    • O – Observes their attitudes, behaviors and performance.
    • A – Aligns people with their strengths for peak performance.
    • C – Communicates and gives feedback
      • 90% encouragement
      • 10% correction
    • H – Help others improve.
      • Contribute more – That is a highly visible trait of successful people.

Success breeds success.  If you seek to follow successful people you will see common threads. If you hang with successful people you will increase their number.  Why not make that a habit in your life?

Written by Travis Jones, CEO of Career Development Partners

Travis Jones - CEO of Career Development Partners

Written By Travis Jones

Travis has been an entrepreneur and business owner in Tulsa for over 30 years. He is a well-known community servant and is dedicated to providing world-class service for everyone we encounter at Career Development Partners.

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