The Secrets of an Epic Phone Interview and Procuring a Face-to-Face

Looking for the best way to convert a telephone interview into a face-to-face interview?
Many companies are moving to using telephone or Skype for second and third level interviews.  While these get you in front of HR and hiring manages, to convert this opportunity into a job offer almost always requires a face-to-face interview.

There are effective ways to convert a telephone interview into a face-to-face interview:

  • Throughout the phone interview show how you can benefit this employer
  • Ask questions to uncover the employer’s greatest challenges or problems and position yourself as the solution
  • Stress your accomplishments and more importantly, the impact they had on your past employers
  • Ask what credentials were missing in candidates they have interviewed thus far and show how you have those credentials or similar ones
  • Ask for a target date to fill the position and inquire about the next step in the interview process. Stress your high level of interest and confidence in your ability to do the job
  • Make yourself available at the convenience of the interviewer, including evenings
  • Follow up after the phone interview and provide additional information that will help the interviewer envision you as a possible fit for their job.

Ask us today how we can help you prepare for your upcoming interview.

For interviewing tips, click here.

Travis Jones - CEO of Career Development Partners

Written By Rick Christensen

Rick has been a career consultant for over 20 years, serving a very broad-based and diverse clientele. His specialties include effective group facilitation, one-on-one coaching and consultation at all levels including senior executives.

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