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What Do You Want to be Remembered For?

Another year has come and will be soon be gone and we are about to embark on a new year and new adventures. Take some time to reflect on the highs and lows of the past year.  Honestly evaluate what you got right and identify areas you want to improve.  If we are honest, we will find that our regrets were not the things we did, but the things we did not do by choice or by mandate.

Because of the world crisis we did not get to take the trips, go to the kid’s games, sporting events, concerts, live events or spend time with our close friends, but if you are like me, we probably complained a lot about politics, viruses and being shut in or out. No matter the situation, this coming year, lets choose to be clear about where we want to invest our time and energy.

Read good books like “Live in Grace and Walk in Love” by Bob Goff.  It is a 365-day journey with a message for each day.   It reminded me to not confuse busyness with purpose.  To never regret following through on the commitments made and the activities that really count in life.  A verse in the book reminds us to ask this question: What do you want me to do for you?   Therefore, do what lasts and is important and let the rest fall away.

Career Development Partners believes that “People are worth the investment”. We help companies grow their employee’s performance by selection, coaching and transitioning for better success.  It has been a good year of impact in the lives of those we have served.

We are thankful for our clients, our participants in transitions, our community, and friends for the privilege of working with them in 2020. We feel very blessed and look forward to 2021.

Travis Jones, CEO of Career Development Partners

Travis has been an entrepreneur and business owner in Tulsa for over 30 years. He is a certified Everything DiSC Workplace facilitator, Life Options Retirement Coach and is certified to facilitate and deliver the Manager As Coach Learning Series (MACLS) through CPI, and a certified Career Coach. He previously served on the board of Career Partners International (CPI) and is an equity partner in CPI, offering a global reach with over 350 offices.

Email: [email protected]

Travis Jones - CEO of Career Development Partners

Written By Travis Jones

Travis has been an entrepreneur and business owner in Tulsa for over 30 years. He is a well-known community servant and is dedicated to providing world-class service for everyone we encounter at Career Development Partners.

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