918.293.0500 [email protected]

Let Us Help you with your

Career Transition

Career Development Partners coaches participants through their Career Transition.

If your company has provided Career Transition or Outplacement assistance with Career Development Partners, the opportunities are endless. Discover how we can help you with your resume, job search, interviewing and more.

Program Satisfaction


Greater Than or Equal to Current Salaries


Land A New Position in 3 MOnths or Less

We’ll Be There Every Step of the Way

Career Development Partners works with you to greatly reduce your search time and help you land faster and in a position and salary that is equal to or greater than your current position.


Career Assessment

We help you identify their work and stress styles, ideal work environment and job strengths to determine their “best fit” career objective. Examines assessment results and how interests and behaviors help identify your ideal work environments and responsibilities.


Steps to A Great Resume

Challenges each participant to develop a more polished and powerful first impression on paper. Individuals learn to translate their resumes into a digital attachment for the internet. Most importantly, this process develops a strong marketing piece and builds an individual’s confidence in preparing a more effective verbal presentation.


Job Search Strategies

Participants examine structured approaches to exploring options in a changing job market. This session teaches individuals time management techniques, effective research tools, contact development, and more traditional methods of self-marketing such as ads, recruiters and Internet job boards.


Interview & Negotiation Strategies

A highly interactive session where we review current interview and question formats which prevail in today’s employment marketplace. Concentrates on salary questions, effective negotiating strategies and techniques to achieve a mutually beneficial package with a potential employer.


Job Search Technology

Modern job search is concentrated on several fronts, leveraging online tools and social networking sites is critical in today’s environment. We guide in creating a powerful and effective LinkedIn profile and how to leverage connections into job prospects.



Special modules that happen in the Learning Center. They differ from month-to-month. Typically, participants are offered a variety of programs in addition to the Job Search Skills Development workshops, for example: financial planning, Career Fairs, and networking opportunities.
